Saturday, November 5, 2011


what a sight to see when you wake up
In the past week and half I have made 2 trips to the north of Pucon. First trip I headed north the Rio Claro with Ian and Rodrigo, meeting up with Nico and Raul Buenaventura for some high water 22 saltos.

hiking down the creek with normally no water to check the level
getting an overhead view of the first big drop

Ian boofin a the one after autoboof...
Arriving late in the night to the Claro we set up camp on the overlook of the 50 meter  waterfall. Waking up in the morning and seeing the flow on the waterfall, it seemed a bit juicy.  Finding a new road closer the putin for the run, we headed up to see what the flow looked like high up. Crossing over the creek bed of the stream that drops in on the 20 footer just below the putin and seeing more flow than normal we presumed that it was hitting its peek flow for the season. Finding one of the hardest parts of the section was putting in, everything else on the run seemed pretty good to go but gave us an idea that the level was too high for the Entres saltos section. So instead we headed down stream to scout and unrun stout named Salto de la Leona. It was  a great looking level for the waterfall but looked a bit too rowdy for the rapid leading into it so we wrote this one off till next time.
perfect looking 80ish footer with a stout lead in , so hasnt been run yet...

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